Rob Papen Blue Vst Crack Tparser
Jun 09, 2014 Rob Papen BLUE-II Introduction - Duration. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Rob Papen Blue 2: Preset Presentation YouTube; BLUE 2 Chord mode. Rob Papen Go2 VST/AU Synth - Preset Tour. Feb 11, 2015 Watch fullscreen. 5 years ago 211 views. Rob Papen ConcreteFX Blue NoSSE VSTi v1.6.1.1 incl KeyGen-BEAT.
Sep 03, 2017 Mixing in Logic Pro X (Everything You Need to Know) - Duration: 1:38:57. Musician on a Mission 124,958 views. Logix pro x auto tune rap video.
Rob Papen and his development team created a powerful new virtual synth RAW.
RAW has two oscillators each with an X/Y field, (as included in Blade and BLUEII) to distort the waveform using Phase Distortion. But that’s not all, you can also draw two of your own ‘waveforms’ and use them as LFO waveforms enabling the creation of unique ‘wobble’ movements that are perfect for for DubStep and other electronic music styles.
RAW has all the great Rob Papen filters to shape your sound further, but in a refreshing twist, ‘EQ’, ‘Waveshaper’, ‘Distortion’ and ‘LoFi’ have also been added on a voice synthesis level. Other FX such as Chorus, Phaser, Flanger, Stereo delay and the amazing HQ Reverb of Rob Papen can all be added to your sound and of course, the cool Arpeggiator/Sequencer, Easypage and preset bank manager have all been included as standard.
In true Rob Papen style, RAW comes with many great presets with mainly contributions from several well known DJs and Producers for instant user inspiration!
Promo, Ophidian, Mad dog, Deathmachine, D-Passion, Rob Fabrie, DJ Thera, N-Vitral, Tha Playah, DJ Hidden, The Viper, Warface, Stephan Jacobs, Amnesys and many more
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Rob Papen Soundware has announced availability of BLUE-II, an all-new reworking of its BLUE soft synth for Mac OS X (10.6 or higher) and Windows (Vista, 7, and 8).
First released in 2005, after namesake company founder and sound designer Rob Papen formed the RPCX (Rob Papen ConcreteFX) partnership with music software developer Jon Ayers, BLUE reflected Rob Papen’s cutting-edge, creative, and musical approach towards developing virtual instruments by first delivering FM and subtractive synthesis, then duly adding Phase Distortion and wave shaping synthesis into the highly creative mix. Rob Papen called it ‘Cross-fusion synthesis’ since it covered so much musical ground so effectively.
Today BLUE-II remains true to that ethos with even more sound dimensions and features to its extended name, starting with six oscillators. These can be connected in various ways, together with two analogue-style modelled stereo filters with 27 different filter types, a large range of processing and modulation options, sequencer, and a powerful arpeggiator. A new range of specially selected waveforms based on samples have been meticulously fashioned for creating new and fresh-sounding synth sounds, so don’t go expecting acoustic pianos galore here. However, since choirs and strings are an excellent basis for so many synth sounds BLUE-II has them in abundance — with much more besides.
BLUE-II takes the useful XY pad features from its virtual instrument sibling Blade and transplants them into its own workflow… perfect for time-based sound movements and vector pad-type sounds. Complemented by four top-quality FX processors, each offering 35 FX types, BLUE-II is a powerful virtual instrument.
But BLUE-II is also easy to use, thanks to its user-friendly user interface and an Easy Edit page for speedy sound changes, while the Bank Manager allows whistle-stop navigation through thousands of Rob Papen presets and artist sound banks covering a wide range of musical styles
Traktor pro vs ableton live. Just like how Ableton Live uses ‘Warp Markers’ to detect and manage tempo and timing information, Traktor uses ‘BeatGrids’ to do the same. The new Traktor Pro it also introduces a ‘Snap’ and ‘Quantize’ feature that automatically syncs the track to the beat even if it has been triggered a little off. The DJ software lets you repeat certain effects or parts of a song as much as you want. It started with CDJ players, where there was a “loop in” and “loop out” pair of buttons. You had to time precisely when you hit the buttons to get the perfect loop. Ableton Live 9. Nov 24, 2010 Ableton Live vs. Traktor Pro for DJing I always tried the whole DJing thing with Live but I could never get it to work on the fly, seemed like I needed to have the the tracks quantized before hand which and I feel like would take forever to set everything up. Mar 03, 2012 If you want to use Ableton and Traktor, Serato has The Bridge for Serato Scratch Live, but it involves a full digital vinyl set-up. It is also possible to use sync Traktor and Ableton – Dubspot has a good tutorial on this. Also, Serato ITCH has “elastic beatgridding” for material with drifting tempos.

Rob Papen Plugins
- Six Oscillators modules which include Analogue, Additive and Spectral type waveforms. Osc. A and B offer PWM modulation and symmetry control. Oscillators can be combined in several ways using 32 different modulation routings in the Algorithm screen. Oscillators can have FM modulation or Ring modulation and can be oscillator hard synced. Each oscillator can be output to the filters, the effects or output as dry. Dedicated screens available in the LCD screen section for Algorithm selection, Phase distortion / Wave shaping settings and Oscillator Envelopes.
- Two analogue modelled stereo Multimode filters, offering 6dB LowPass/HighPass, 12dB and 24dB LowPass/HighPass/BandPass/Notch, Ring, Comb and Vox (formant). Filters with panning, panning modulation options and pre-filtering distortion. Easy filter control by pre-defined modulation controllers like Envelope, Velocity, Keytrack and Modulation Wheel.
- Nine Envelopes, AHDSFR type. Direct connection to the Oscillators volume, Filters frequency and main Volume amp to make sound editing fast and easy. Graphic and fader-control of Envelopes in one go. Dynamic curves and MIDI tempo based features like delay and envelope retrigger.
- Four Multi-Envelopes, These free highly sophisticated envelopes can be built up using up to 32 sections. Full graphic control and additional menus with presets, load and save functions. Dynamic curves and MIDI tempo based functions.
- Ten LFOs with various waveforms and are MIDI-syncable. Directly connected to main targets to make sound editing easy and fast. Directly connected LFOs for PWM A/B, Filter Frequency A/B, Tremolo (amp), Vibrato (main pitch) and Three Free LFOs. LFO have adjustable, free/poly/mono modes, keytracking, symmetry, smoothing, attack, decay and humanize functions.
- Three modulation Step-sequencers with sequence loop start/end, poly/mono/free play modes, speed controls and step smooth function. Copy/paste/clear functions.
- Modulation Matrix with 2 pages of 10 slots. 12 synth sources & 23 MIDI sources and 103 synth destinations.
- 32 step mono sequencer, with sequencer length, speed adjust, slide amount, swing amount, volume smoothing. Each step has On/off, Reset, -32/+32 Semitune, Volume, Slide on/off, Filter A, Filter B and Free modulation settings. Clear, load and save functions to exchange sequences in between presets.
- Poly/Mono/Legato/Seq synthesizer play modes. Portamento featuring legato, switch-able constant time/constant rate. Mono unison mode.
- Adjustable Precision setting per oscillator to simulate the instability of vintage analogue synthesizers.
- 16-voice polyphony. Voice amount control.
- Global settings save with each individual preset like: keyboard velocity response curve, over-sampling settings and filter control smoothing.
- Easy Edit page for fast new sound results or for easy access tempo changes.
- External controller hardware (fader-box or synth) settings can be saved and restored.
- Two effects-blocks with serial and parallel mode. Nine stereo effects available including Mono Delay, Stereo Delay, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Distortion, Low Fi, Stereo Widener and Reverb. MIDI tempo based settings in Delays, Phaser and Flanger.
- Equalizer for total overall sound.
- Sound banks of 32 presets inside built in browser. Preset handling with copy, paste, clear and compare function. Preset banks are sorted into style-maps for easy search.
- All settings included the global settings are stored inside each individual preset.
- Presets in clear categories by Rob Papen.
- Arpeggiator: 32 step arpeggiator, with sequencer, seq length, speed adjust, slide amount, swing amount and step length control. Each step has On/off, Slide on/off, Reset, -32/+32 Semitone, Step length, Velocity, and Free modulation. Clear, load and save functions to exchange arpeggiators in between presets.